
Showing posts from December, 2009

FArewell dinner

woo...laz sunday our skul organize a farewell HOtel a 5 star hotel..but after finish my farewell dinner...damn...really dissapointed...nt si0k at almoz the same...nt delicious...repeat and repeat...walau..beh tong nw...and hoh...there so hot,,,make me sweat a lot...hate nia... but..the moz make me feel happy is i can see so many ppl change a lot ...some ppl go dye her/his hair...keep much different than b4 lo0k...make me so much suprise... after my fare well dinner...suddenly i feel so down..cuz wanna say goodbye v my all dear friend..after tat we will going different to our future..although we juz met each other 2 years...but i having the feel tat we oledi knw each other 10 years,,,so i feel so down tat break v urs..anyways..i hope tat u all will remember the memory in tis 2 years,,,friendship forever... taking some photo whn our farewell dinner.. <> >>me and daphne<< >>
吊。。我的豆豆最近真的很不安分。。迟睡一点它就跟我伸头出来见见世界。。。妈的。。 今天一早。。就去拜祭我阿公。。那边很大一下。。很舒服。。因为是室内。。所以不会热到很流汗那种。。过后回家。。就和阿比出门罗。。先陪她去应征。。那个中国佬老板一副色色的脸看了就讨厌。。。过后我们就去queensbay。。。一进门。。哇。。整个圣诞的感觉。。很美。。。他们的布置真的没有话说。。 帮这个大小姐拍照。。你看他后面。。布置得真美 然后我们就去吃东西。。去kimgary吃。。因为那边便宜又大块。。哈哈。。 好满足的一餐!! 过后就去看风云2。。哇靠。。鸟戏来的。。从头打倒尾。。都不知道他再说什么。。。早知道去看twilight。。真的浪费我二十块啊。。。臭风云!!! 然后就玩到晚上才回家。。过后就来这里报告。。显。。好像做功课这样。。不鸟你料。。。去睡觉鸟。。安安。。 厕所万岁!!! 。。。。JIy0。。。。

I m BEK yo!!!!!!

hey!!!finally my exam finish oledi.... but after tis our fren will go other place 2 study oledi...duno after they go Universiti will forgt me o nt..T.T aiya..tis stpm paper so hard la..i guess i cant sucess apply to U...if really cant..haiz..i will say halo to college... aiya..tis kind of thing next year juz worry...hehe..nw the important is play play play!!! PLAY!!!!!!!!!!! <<<< >>>>>